
Are you interested in pursuing a career in Catholic education? If so, the Foundations course offered by the Institute of Faith Education (IFE) may be the perfect fit for you. This comprehensive course provides a seamless accreditation pathway, allowing you to enhance your knowledge and expertise in religious education.

Every registered teacher requires formal accreditation to teach religion in a Catholic school.

It is a requirement that religious educators must have appropriate and adequate knowledge of the Catholic faith, tradition, and practice in order to competently prepare and deliver religious education. Competence in theology and scripture are also an essential component of accreditation. The Foundations course meets requirements for religious educators who want to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith. With an innovative design and competency-based assessments, this course is a practical and relevant choice for aspiring teachers and teachers working in Catholic schools.

Image supplied by Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE)

Why choose Foundations?

The Foundations course has been developed to provide the required practical and theoretical knowledge of religious education, theology, and spirituality to teach religion in a Catholic school. The new 11238NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology (Catholic Education) now includes a specialisation that has been designed specifically for Catholic education.

What will you learn?

The Foundations course can be completed in one year or over two years and is completed in four self-contained modules to achieve the 11238NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology (Catholic Education):

The Bible is a journey into faith. In this module, explore biblical themes, and gain practical tips for using and interpreting the Bible.

Understand the Catholic Church better by exploring its history, teachings, and modern expressions. Learn what sets it apart from other denominations and the important role of the Creed and the sacraments in shaping spirituality within the Catholic context.

Explore ethics and character. Learn how to think about today’s big issues ethically. See how the Catholic Church handles social topics. Explore other world religions.

Explore strategies for teaching religious education and gain skills and confidence for your work.

Each module involves 12 weeks of structured learning that integrate private study with online or face-to-face workshops and tutorials. Competencies are assessed through projects, presentations, written assessments and learning journals. Upon completion of Foundations learners will be well resourced to teach Religious Education with confidence in a contemporary Catholic context. The Foundations course offers a nationally accredited qualification: 11238NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology (Catholic Education). Completion of the Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology (11238NAT) requires completion of the following ten competencies to obtain the qualification.
    • NAT11238001  Apply advanced knowledge of the Bible
    • NAT11238002  Compare and explain Christian beliefs and practices
    • NAT11238003  Research and present a biblical theme
    • NAT11237002  Interpret biblical texts
    • NAT11238005  Develop and apply knowledge of church, liturgy and sacraments
    • NAT11237005  Apply Christian ethics to contemporary issues
    • NAT11238006  Analyse and compare worldviews and world religions
    • NAT11238015  Implement the mission and values of a Catholic organisation in own professional practice
    • NAT11238016  Interpret and apply a religious education framework to guide practice
    • NAT11238017  Develop the religious understanding of students

What previous participants have said about this course:

“I loved being able to go back over the zoom-workshop content to glean pieces I may have missed. I also loved being able to download/print off the material needed allowing me to highlight certain sections. The support from workshop facilitators, assessors, IFE staff was fast and efficient and really supportive and encouraging. I have loved my experience with IFE, you can tell it is a well-oiled machine with everyone working in unison to bring about the best possible learning outcomes.”  “The content was very interesting and there were always practical aspects that could be implemented at a school level.” “I found the course really made me consider what and who I am, and how this is reflected in my teaching. It was wonderful!” 

“The workbooks and course resources were fantastic. Also, all of the facilitators encouraged questions, and ensured the person/people understood before moving on. They provided a very welcoming environment.” 

“The most useful learning in this course for me was learning about teaching in a modern Catholic context – how to balance modern societal norms/ beliefs with tradition.”

“All of it was useful! However, the setting of the context that the Christian Bible sits within has been particularly interesting.”

“The webinar structure was amazing!! Being able to be at home and actually take a lunch break, with no travel time, was excellent!”

“There was so much useful learning. It was such a rich learning experience across the entire course. If I had to choose one thing that was the most useful learning for me then it would be how to analyse and look at scripture in the three worlds of the text. The structured and easy to follow activity response tasks where also very helpful.”

“I found the diversity of experience of instructors helpful. It helped deepen my understanding of my faith.”

Enrolment package

The complete enrolment package for this course consists of the Course Handbook, Schedule of Fees and Charges, and an online link to enrol. Click on the links below or contact us to request the enrolment package. The Course Schedule outlines when modules are being delivered and the different delivery modes available for you to choose from.

Special offer for uni students!

Discounted course fees and payment plans are available for education students currently completing their education degree. Conditions apply. Contact us for further information.

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